Other common names:
Indian Grass, Smelly Vanilla Grass, Sweet Grass Other scientific names: Savastana hirta, Anthoxanthum hirta French names:
Hiérochloé odorante Family: Grass Family (Poaceae) Group: Grasses Distinctive features:
Odiferous when crushed. Leaves shiny. Flowers: Spring Habitat: Fields and Open Areas, Wet Areas; Generally likes to grow in damp areas, but when planted will do well just about anywhere. Uses:
This is the sacred Sweetgrass that North American Native people use for smudging.
Native Status:
not overly common.
Very odiferous when crushed, or when dried grasses are lit and left to smoulder.
Origin and Meaning of Names:
Scientific Name: hirta: rough Photographs:
47 photographs available, of which 10 are featured on this page. SCROLL DOWN FOR PHOTOGRAPHS.